Afghanistan has been ranked as the most authoritarian nation in the world, according to the Democracy Index 2024 published by The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU). Out of 167 countries, Afghanistan stands at the bottom, receiving a democracy score of just 0.25 out of 10. The report highlights the extreme oppression under Taliban rule, making Afghanistan even more restrictive than North Korea and Myanmar.
The EIU, a respected research organization with over 75 years of experience, analyzes political and economic trends worldwide. It provides assessments for governments, financial institutions, and corporations. The 2024 Democracy Index report paints a bleak picture of Afghanistan, classifying it as an authoritarian regime with no electoral governance, no political participation, and no civil liberties.
Afghanistan’s Position in the Democracy Index
The Democracy Index 2024 confirms Afghanistan as the most repressive country globally. Unlike Myanmar and North Korea, where structured governance systems exist, the Taliban rule without a constitution. Their administration relies entirely on rigid religious decrees, eliminating fundamental freedoms. The report highlights the complete ban on free speech, political activities, and women’s rights. Girls’ education, female employment, and minority protections remain strictly prohibited under the Taliban’s control.
Breakdown of Afghanistan’s Democracy Score
Electoral Process and Pluralism
Afghanistan received a score of zero in electoral process and pluralism. It shares this position with Syria, Sudan, the Central African Republic, Turkmenistan, and Laos. The absence of any credible elections reflects a total lack of political representation.
Government Functioning
The report assigns Afghanistan a zero in government functioning. Sudan, Syria, and Myanmar also scored zero, reflecting a lack of efficiency, transparency, and accountability. In comparison, North Korea scored 2.50, while Laos received 2.86, as their regimes have structured governance mechanisms.
Political Participation
Afghanistan stands alone with a 0.00 in political participation. No citizen engagement exists under Taliban rule, not even among the elites or those within the regime’s inner circle. This score emphasizes the complete exclusion of public voices in governance.
Political Culture
Afghanistan scored 1.25 in political culture. This category measures public support for democratic values. In contrast, Turkmenistan received 5.00, and Sudan scored 5.63, showing that democratic ideals still exist among certain groups in these countries, despite authoritarian rule. The Taliban’s strict ideological grip has suppressed all such tendencies in Afghanistan.
Civil Liberties
The civil liberties index gave Afghanistan a score of zero, placing it among the world’s most repressive regimes. The nation joins Syria, Myanmar, and North Korea in this category. Freedom of speech, assembly, and fundamental rights for women and minorities remain completely suppressed under the Taliban’s rule.
The Democracy Index 2024 serves as another warning about Afghanistan’s deteriorating human rights situation. The report highlights the Taliban’s absolute control, reinforcing their status as the most oppressive rulers in the world today. With no elections, no civil rights, and no political participation, Afghanistan remains the most closed and authoritarian regime globally.